
I am allowed to ramble
At least I think I am
Or what would be the purpose of my blog if I can’t write down my feelings

Sometimes I love you, sometimes I don’t
Other times I spend trying to figure out why I love you
Its not your looks, yes they caught my eye
I still don’t know what it is
I just knew from the first moment I saw your name that I was gonna make you fall for with me
And I remember the nod I gave myself when you finally admitted it
All I had to do was be myself
And it happened so quickly
I guess I have magic in me afterwards

But now that all the dust has settled
And the butterflies have stopped fluttering
Its time for the real deal
Let’s see if we really are meant to be
I’ve done this before
I’ve walked this path
Once, you may say, but trust me, I learnt enough to last me a lifetime
I don’t need you to be everything I have ever dreamt of
I’m old enough to know that fairy-tales don’t exactly come true
Now what I want to what is meant for me
What had been pre-ordained or predestined for me
Its not just about “love” my dear
Love is never enough
Its about purpose
Like two hands the same size and their fingers interwoven to form the perfect clasp
I can’t promise you that I’ll always be there
In all honesty, I can’t promise you anything
But, I pray with all my heart
Night and day
That every time a thought of me crosses your mind
You thank the Lord that somehow and some way I walked into your life
And I made a difference that changed you forever

7 Comments Add yours

  1. abisola says:

    Really, love is not enuf!!!

  2. Ademola Odebode says:

    I love this…..rols….i am very impressed. the part i love….” don’t need you to be everything I have ever dreamt of. I’m old enough to know that fairy-tales don’t exactly come true”.
    keep it up…

  3. Thank you! I just read this again and I can’t believe I wrote it myself! Lols!

  4. Phoenicia Nnodim says:

    Love they say is sweet. I say it’s like an intoxicating liquor that makes the heart of a mortal man rejoice, but it can sting like a scorpion and leaves one broken hearted. There is nothing worst than being in love alone. The pain u feel is excruciating, in fact it’s like the sting of a scorpion. It makes no sense nurturing a lost hope, tearfully begging for the affection of some one who obviously has no feelings for you. Hmmm! Love! Love! It’s complicated

  5. lollyp2 says:

    really insightful.. true to the heart, Love is more than spoken words, normally words can be bended but the actions are seen farther than any imagination.., love is wonderful in its actions.. welldone dear.

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