Memoirs of an Undergraduate III: Life in Pre-Clinicals Past II

This is it, This is the year that determines a lot in my life It’s the year I write the exam that decides how many years I spend in the university It is determined by faith and determines my fate It’s the year of MB Part 1 I’ve been told about this exam ever since…

Memoirs of an Undergraduate II: Life in Pre- Clinical School

Walking into a lecture theatre, With seats the colour of unripe plantain Excitement, pride and a whole lot of emotions “I MADE IT” Now let the games begin Classes go on well, Lecturers here and there talking about the same thing But in different terms This human body,WOW! But before I get carried away in…

Memoirs of an Undergraduate I

Hello people! For my next set of posts, I’m gonna be putting up some of my old works. Its a series I started a while back about my life in University, one for every year. I’ve been a bit lazy about this year’s own but I promise it’ll be up soon. Enjoy and don’t forget…

Still GOD

It’s hard trusting You sometimes Most especially when I’ve talked Your ears out And I still feel like You’re not listening When I cry silently Soaking my pillow at night And there’s no one but You to talk to When the ones I talk to aren’t listening and I look up to You And it…

Sweet Revenge

So I saw this paper outside my friend’s room today and in my curiosity checked only to find a story I wrote some months back. I had this nostalgic feeling and I just thought I should share. Some have read the original story before, amma make a few adjustments here and there. Enjoy ***** It…