As You Take Those Vows

I remember when I used to kneel to do the buttons on your shirts Now you have to bend to kiss my forehead I can’t believe you’ve grown this fast I still remember the way you looked the first time I set my eyes on you How I held you and vowed never to let…

The Circle of Life

She is doing it again! Staring at a picture of herself way back when and lamenting about how slim she was and how she wishes she could be that size again. But then she drops the picture and we’re back to the circle of life *insert Lion King theme song*. After about 7months of procrastination,…

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

She calls me “Morola” I think of her as “Olu” OLU… With love she held me that day The first fruit of her womb And she never stopped holding me With her prayers and her words Who can find a virtuous woman? Her price is far above rubies Who can find an Olu like mine?…

Me, My Blackberry and I

I’m addicted to my blackberry!!!! I know a lot of people have been waiting for me to make this confession. Side-eye at Tinu, Akin, and many others. But I’m proud to say I’m not the only one in my league,and if you own a blackberry, you will understand why I am so inseparable from this…

How I Spent My Last Weekend

I know people are going to say all sorts about this post but pardon me for my childish nature. Sometimes, I love to view the world with child-like innocent eyes. Makes it easier and less complicated and I appreciate things more when I am not criticising them or looking for mistakes. This is about my…

To Whom It May Concern

I know you hate me writing stuff like this But this is who I am And I just can’t help myself So here goes: Some love stories were written in heaven Or we at least want to believe they were The perfect encounter, the perfect feelings, everything just seems right And it is, for a…